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Correction Policy for ZOOPNEWS


To maintain accuracy and trust by correcting errors promptly and transparently.

Reporting Errors

  1. Internal: Staff report errors to the editorial team.

  2. External: Readers report errors via our correction request email at or the form on the website.

Correction Process

  1. Minor Errors:

    • Typographical: Fixed without a notice if meaning isn't changed.

    • Minor Factual: Fixed with a note at the end of the article.

  2. Significant Errors:

    • Major Factual: Fixed with a notice at the top of the article.

    • Misleading Information: Fixed with a notice and possibly a separate article explaining the correction.

  3. Headlines and Captions: Corrected with a notice in the same location.

  4. Multimedia: Corrected with updated versions and a notice in the description.

  5. Content Removal: If content or anything needs to be removed, please email us at


  1. Notify Reporters: Inform those who reported errors about the correction.

  2. Transparency: Log all corrections on a dedicated corrections page on our website.


The editorial team ensures compliance with this policy.


The policy is reviewed annually and updated as needed.

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