Rajinikanth’s latest cinematic offering, "Jailer," has witnessed a substantial decline in its box office collection as it reached the culmination of its second week in theaters. On Thursday, the film managed to amass Rs 3.05 crore from all language versions combined, indicating an 18.67 per cent dip—a record low in its theatrical run. According to data from entertainment trade tracker Sacnilk, the movie garnered Rs 2.25 crore in Tamil, Rs 50 lakh in Telugu, Rs 7 lakh in Kerala, and Rs 23 lakh in Hindi.
With Thursday's box office takings, "Jailer" concluded its second week of screening with a collection tally of Rs 62.95 crore. This brings the cumulative net collection within India to a notable Rs 298 crore, while the gross domestic earnings have surged to Rs 350.30 crore.
Furthermore, "Jailer" has made a significant mark on the international front, earning a staggering Rs 183 crore overseas. This global performance catapults the film's worldwide collection figure to an impressive Rs 533.3 crore. Within the Tamil Nadu region, the film managed an overall occupancy rate of 20.56 per cent, while the Telugu version achieved a total occupancy of 17.67 per cent on the fifteenth day since its release. Industry analysts predict that "Jailer" is poised to earn an estimated Rs 2 crore on Friday, contributing to its ongoing box office success.
While "Jailer" continues to make a robust showing at the box office, it's the film's spirited dance number "Kaavaalaa," featuring Tamannaah Bhatia, that is gaining remarkable popularity. The song has triumphantly crossed the 150 million views mark on YouTube and is also taking the Instagram Reels platform by storm.
The film's production company, Sun Pictures, jubilantly shared the milestone on X (formerly Twitter), stating, “Sailing past the 150 million mark in style! It’s Kaavaalaa vibes everywhere."
"Jailer" graced cinema screens on August 10, arriving a day ahead of the releases of "Gadar 2" and "OMG 2." In this cinematic offering, Rajinikanth assumes the role of a father to a dedicated police officer. The star-studded cast includes Priyanka Mohan, Tamannaah Bhatia, Ramya Krishnan, Yogi Babu, Vasanth Ravi, and Vinayakan. Additionally, the film boasted special appearances from luminaries such as Mohanlal, Jackie Shroff, and Shivarajkumar.