Malayalam cine-serial actor Aparna Nair, aged 33, was discovered deceased in her home near Thiruvananthapuram's Karamana. According to police reports, she was found hanging in her room last night. Aparna is survived by her husband and two children.
The late actor, who was 33 years old, had appeared in several films and numerous television serials. Aparna had been residing with her family. The incident occurred around 7.30 pm on August 31, as reported. The police were alerted to the situation by a private hospital where Aparna had been admitted after the discovery of her hanging.
A police officer informed PTI, "We received the information from the hospital and have registered a case for unnatural death." The police are currently considering the possibility of suicide and are looking into family-related issues as a potential cause for Aparna's tragic decision. An investigation into the incident is underway.