Prime Minister Modi announced the release of the 17th installment of the PM Kisan Samman Nidhi scheme, benefiting around 9.3 crore farmers. This marks the first decision of Modi's third term, focusing on the welfare of farmers.
On Monday morning, PM Modi signed off on releasing ₹20,000 crore for the scheme, reinforcing his commitment to agricultural welfare.
About PM Kisan Samman Nidhi:
Launched on February 24, 2019.
Provides ₹6,000 annually to farmers in three installments of ₹2,000 each.
The 16th installment was released on February 28, before the election code of conduct was enforced.
Check Your PM Kisan Installment Status:
Visit the PM Kisan portal:
Click on "Farmer Corner."
Select "Beneficiary List."
Enter required details like state, district, tehsil, block, and village.
Click on "Get Report" to see your name in the beneficiary list.
For any issues, contact the PM Kisan Helpline at 1800-115-5525.