Imagine you're in a car driving along a bumpy road. Sometimes the road gets a bit rough, and you feel the car shake or bounce, right? Well, airplane turbulence is a bit like that, but in the sky.
When you're flying, the air up there isn't always smooth. It can be a bit like the bumps in the road, but in the air. Sometimes the plane might go through areas where the air is moving around in different directions, like a gentle rollercoaster ride. It's kind of like the plane is surfing through waves of air.
Pilots and airplanes are designed to handle these bumps safely, just like how cars are designed to handle bumpy roads. They're built strong, and pilots know how to steer through the bumpy air to keep the flight as smooth as possible. So, while it might feel a little strange, turbulence is just a normal part of flying, and it's usually nothing to worry about. Just like the bumps in the road, it usually doesn't last too long, and you'll be on your way to your destination in no time!