In a tragic incident, eight people lost their lives, including three women, and several others were injured following a devastating explosion at a firecracker factory in Tamil Nadu's Krishnagiri. The explosion occurred on Saturday morning, leaving a trail of destruction in its wake. Over four buildings, including a nearby hotel, were damaged due to the sheer force of the blast, leading to many people being trapped under the debris.
The explosion originated from a firecracker manufacturing godown located in Pazhayapettai in the district. The impact of the blast resulted in numerous injuries, with 12 people in critical condition rushed to nearby hospitals for immediate medical attention.
As news of the incident spread, fire tenders and rescue teams swiftly arrived at the scene to extinguish the fire and rescue those trapped inside the collapsed structures. The situation remains critical as authorities are still attempting to ascertain the exact number of individuals trapped under the rubble.
The district collector confirmed that a hotel building had completely collapsed, while three to four nearby houses suffered partial damage due to the blast's intensity. The cause of the explosion remains unknown, and investigations are underway to determine the circumstances that led to this tragic event.
Reacting to the heartbreaking incident, Prime Minister Narendra Modi expressed his condolences on Twitter. He conveyed his deepest sympathies to the families of the victims and wished for a speedy recovery of the injured. The Prime Minister announced an ex-gratia payment of Rs. 2 lakh from the Prime Minister's National Relief Fund (PMNRF) for each deceased and Rs. 50,000 for the injured.
Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M K Stalin also expressed his profound sorrow over the loss of lives and injuries. He directed the health officials to provide the best medical care to those injured and expedite rescue and relief operations. The Chief Minister announced compensation of Rs. 3 lakh to the families of the deceased, Rs. 1 lakh for the seriously injured, and Rs. 50,000 for those with injuries from the Chief Minister Public Relief Fund.
Tamil Nadu Governor R N Ravi also shared his condolences, expressing deep sadness over the loss of valuable lives. He extended his prayers and thoughts to the bereaved families and wished a swift recovery for the injured.
As the incident investigation continues, authorities and rescue teams are working tirelessly to provide aid and support to those affected by the tragedy. The explosion at the firecracker factory serves as a grim reminder of the importance of adhering to strict safety measures in hazardous industries to prevent such devastating accidents in the future.