On Thursday, Amazon said it will be discontinuing its Amazon Academy platform in India, which had debuted at the beginning of 2018 amid a surge in demand for online education in the wake of the COVID-19 epidemic.
Amazon has declared that it would cease all of its activities in India that are linked to the delivery of food at the conclusion of the current calendar year. This will take place in accordance with the company's plans. This decision was taken as a direct reaction to a statement made by the firm that it would be terminating the employment of about 10,000 individuals all across the globe.
When it originally opened its doors, the business had already been in operation for a total of three years even before the disease started to spread across the community. According to an announcement made by the company, which stated that the service will no longer be provided, Amazon Food, a food delivery service that had been tested in the past in Bengaluru, a city located in southern India, will no longer be provided. This was stated in the announcement that the company made, which stated that the service will no longer be provided.
According to a statement that was provided by a representative of the company to Reuters, the decision to end the operations of Amazon Food was arrived at during the course of the yearly process that the company uses to evaluate its operational strategy. Reuters was given the statement by the representative of the company. The representative offered the statement to Reuters and they published it.
"These are not snap decisions or alternatives that we have selected without giving them the appropriate amount of consideration. We will be progressively winding down these projects in order to appropriately care for our current clients and the business ties we have already created. In order to achieve this, we will be gradually winding down these initiatives. We will be progressively winding down these programmes so that we can accomplish this goal."
On Thursday, Amazon announced that effective immediately, it would no longer be making its Amazon Academy platform available to clients who are based in the Indian market. The programme had been started at the beginning of the year before in order to fulfil the increasing demand for online education that had been brought about as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak. According to an article that was written and published by Reuters a week ago, what is pushing the e-commerce giant to rethink its personnel throughout the world is a volatile climate in the area of macroeconomics. The article was written and published by Reuters. Reuters is responsible for both the writing and publication of the item. The corporation has made the decision to lay off around 10,000 of its workers who are now working in corporate and technical roles. These layoffs will affect jobs throughout the organisation.
The very first public demonstration of Amazon Food, which was given by the corporation to members of the general public, took place in Bengaluru, which is located in India.
Amazon made the statement on Thursday that all operations in India connected to its edtech service known as Amazon Academy will be discontinued starting in August 2023. Thursday was the day when the announcement was made. According to the statement that was issued by the firm, customers who have already registered for the most recent group of students are eligible to obtain a complete refund if they want to do so. This information was provided in the context of the company's decision to make the announcement.
In 2017, the e-commerce behemoth made the formal debut of its educational platform, which in years before had been referred to by the name JEE Ready.