In a devastating incident that occurred earlier today, a dedicated Delhi Police inspector lost his life after a speeding truck collided with his car on Rohtak road. The unfortunate incident unfolded near the Madipur metro station, leaving the law enforcement community in mourning.
Inspector Jagbir Singh, a valiant member of the Security Unit, had encountered a mechanical issue with his vehicle, prompting him to pull over. While he was inspecting the situation outside the car, tragedy struck as the speeding truck rammed into the stationary vehicle from behind, resulting in the inspector sustaining fatal injuries.
Authorities and emergency responders rushed to the scene to provide immediate medical attention, but unfortunately, Inspector Jagbir Singh succumbed to his injuries before he could be transported to a hospital.
The news of this tragic accident has left the entire Delhi Police force in shock and grief. Colleagues, friends, and family members remember Inspector Jagbir Singh as a dedicated and compassionate officer who served the community with unwavering commitment.
The Delhi Police have initiated a thorough investigation into the circumstances surrounding the accident, and the errant truck driver responsible for the collision will face legal repercussions for this heartrending incident.
The incident serves as a somber reminder of the risks and dangers faced by law enforcement officers daily as they strive to protect and serve their communities. It also highlights the need for road safety measures and vigilance to prevent such tragic accidents in the future.