New Delhi, [Current Date]: In a harrowing incident, two Delhi Police officers lost their lives in a tragic car collision with a truck near the Kundali border in Haryana's Sonipat district. The incident unfolded around 11:30 pm on Monday, shrouded by thick fog, making visibility challenging for the officers on their way home.
The deceased officers have been identified as Inspector Dinesh Beniwal, stationed in the Special Staff of the Northwest district, and ATO Inspector Ranveer, posted at Adarsh Nagar police station. The officers were returning to their Sonipat residences in a personal vehicle, as confirmed by the police.
The bodies of the officers have been dispatched for post-mortem examination, marking a somber development in the aftermath of this tragic accident.
Preliminary investigations conducted by senior Haryana Police officers indicate that the collision occurred when their car inadvertently collided with a parked truck. The dense fog prevailing in the area played a pivotal role, impairing visibility and making it difficult for the officers to discern the stationary truck in their path.
The loss of Inspector Dinesh Beniwal and ATO Inspector Ranveer is a profound tragedy, leaving the Delhi Police force and their families in mourning. The authorities are actively engaged in the investigation to determine the circumstances leading to this fatal accident.