In a shocking turn of events during the tenth day of the Winter Session, chaos erupted in the Lok Sabha as two individuals breached security and jumped into the chamber from the public gallery. The incident occurred on Wednesday, 13 December, mirroring the unfortunate events of the 2001 Parliament attack anniversary.
According to Congress MP Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury, the intruders were carrying tear gas canisters. The House was swiftly adjourned after the security breach, which took place while crucial proceedings for the Winter Session were underway.
Sansad TV captured the startling visuals, showing a man in a blue jacket leaping over benches in the Lok Sabha. Rajendra Agrawal, presiding over the session, immediately adjourned the proceedings in response to the breach.
Adding to the chaos, two protesters were spotted outside the House, engaging in sloganeering. The accused individuals, responsible for the security breach, set off colored smoke canisters both inside and outside the Parliament.
Prompt action by security personnel resulted in the swift arrest of all involved parties. The Central Universities (Amendment) Bill, Repealing and Amending Bill, and three reports of the Department-related Parliamentary Standing Committees on Education, Women, Children, Youth, and Sports are among the significant businesses scheduled for discussion during the Winter Session.
The incident has raised serious concerns about the security measures in place within the Parliament premises. As investigations unfold, the nation awaits further updates on this unprecedented breach in one of the highest seats of power. Stay tuned for more LIVE updates on this developing story.