PM Narendra Modi inaugurated the Rs 850-crore Mahakaleshwar Temple Corridor Development Project in Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh, on Tuesday. The project will be a model for religious tourism in India.
The cost of the Mahakaleshwar Temple Corridor Development Project is pegged to be at Rs 850 crore. The Mahakaleshwar Temple assumes importance as it hosts one of the 12 Jyotirlingas in India. Around 1.5 crore people visit the temple every year.
Madhya Pradeshs tourism sector received a major boost on Tuesday evening with the Mahakal Lok project in Ujjain as phase-I of the project was inaugurated by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The Rs 850-crore Mahakaleshwar Temple Corridor Development Project will provide the best amenities for those visiting the shrine and offer them a seamless, sublime experience. It will also help people connect with the Hindu culture and tradition.
The Mahakaleshwar Temple is dedicated to Lord Shiva and assumes importance as it houses one of the 12 Jyotirlingas in India. A jyotirlinga is a representation of Lord Shiva in Hinduism.
Measuring more than 900 metres in length, the corridor will have around 108 aesthetically ornate pillars made of intricately carved sandstones that depict the Anand Tandav Swaroop (a form of dance of Lord Shiva), 200 statues and murals of Lord Shiva and goddess Shakti. It will also house other religious art. There are 93 Shiva statues from the main door to the temple, depicting stories from Shiv Puran. Each statue/mural has a QR code. Scan the code, and get all the information about it.
With the project, heritage structures will also be restored. Among them is the Rudrasagar Lake, which will be revived and conserved. A massive clean-up will be undertaken to ensure that the ponds water level and quality is maintained. As many as 152 buildings have been acquired to connect Mahakal Temple with Kshipra River.
The project also aims to ease congestion in the area, by restricting entry of vehicles into the Mahakal Lok area. The plan envisages expanding the temple precinct by seven times. It will provide decentralised parking locations at all entry points.