Top leaders of the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) staged a day-long fast at Jantar Mantar on Sunday to protest against the arrest of Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, accusing the BJP of dictatorship. Many party volunteers and supporters joined the fast in Delhi, singing patriotic songs and displaying posters of Kejriwal behind bars.
Similar protests took place in various states and even abroad, including at Harvard Square in Boston, the Hollywood Sign in Los Angeles, and outside the Indian Embassy in Washington DC. Senior AAP leaders, such as Delhi Assembly Speaker Ram Niwas Goel and ministers Gopal Rai and Saurabh Bharadwaj, participated in the day-long fast at Jantar Mantar.
Addressing the protesters, AAP's Rajya Sabha MP Sanjay Singh emphasized Kejriwal's honesty and questioned his arrest by the Enforcement Directorate. Singh highlighted that Kejriwal's name was mentioned by only a few witnesses out of hundreds in the case, insinuating political motives behind the arrest.
Singh urged AAP volunteers to work diligently to secure victories for the party and its allies in the upcoming Lok Sabha elections, aiming to remove Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Home Minister Amit Shah from power. Kejriwal, who was arrested on March 21, remains in judicial custody until April 15.