Rahul Gandhi, from Congress, had a big court win. He met Lalu Prasad Yadav, who leads RJD, at the home of a person named Misa Bharti. This happened soon after the court said he could stay out of trouble in a legal case. They talked about many important things, like what the opposition group called INDIA should do next.
They looked happy to see each other and talked about serious stuff. A leader from Bihar, Tejashwi Yadav, was also there, making it even more important.
One thing they chatted about a lot was how the opposition group can work together better. They want to make plans to push back against the government's decisions.
Rahul Gandhi's court win made him feel stronger and more important. The court said he didn't do anything wrong, so he can be in a group that helps make laws again.
They also talked about how Lalu Prasad is feeling. Rahul Gandhi wanted to know if he's okay because he cares.
The meeting happened when lots of changes are going on in politics. People want to know what the opposition group will do next. This meeting is like a warm-up before a big game. Many important opposition leaders will talk more in Mumbai at the end of August.
The two leaders talking and getting along well show that it's good for them to work together. What they decide will be important for how things happen in politics.